Thursday, March 31, 2005

Two Kofis To Go, Please

From ScrappleFace:
Report Clears Annan: UN Chief Had 'No Clue': by Scott Ott

(2005-03-29) -- UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan receives good news today as the commission investigating the oil-for-food scandal will announce that Mr. Annan had 'no clue' that Saddam Hussein had used the program to buy support for the eventual lifting of sanctions against Iraq.

'Mr. Annan is not implicated in the scandal, since he had, and continues to have, no idea what's going on at the United Nations,' according to an unnamed source who has read a summary of the report. 'There is no evidence that the Secretary-General is aware of the day-to-day operations of the organization. He is completely innocent.'"
... and another:
Kofi Annan Not Aware of Relationship to Kojo: by Scott Ott

(2005-03-30) -- UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan today said that, despite allegations in the Volcker Commission report, he had 'no advance knowledge' of his alleged relationship to his 31-year-old son, Kojo.

The report accuses Kojo Annan of deceiving his so-called father and refusing to cooperate with the investigation of his role in the UN oil-for-food scandal as a highly-paid consultant for the Swiss UN-contractor, Cotecna.

'I knew that Kojo helped Cotecna get the UN contract,' said Mr. Annan. 'But I was not aware that he was my blood relative who was raised under my own roof.'"

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