Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Will, Feinstein and Grandstanding

Of all the silly reasons for opposing Judge Roberts' nomination that were given by those most tightly in the grip of left wing lobbying groups, Diane Feinstein's take the cake. George Will calls her out:
"She was, she said, disappointed when Roberts was asked by another Democrat whether 'he agreed that there is a 'general' right to privacy provided in the Constitution.' Roberts replied, 'I wouldn't use the phrase 'general,' because I don't know what that means.'

Well, what does it mean? Roberts had clearly affirmed his belief that the Constitution protects privacy in various ways that amounts to establishing a right to privacy in various contexts. But what would make such a right a 'general'' right? Do Americans have, say, a constitutional privacy right to use heroin in the privacy of their homes? No. To sell prostitution services in the privacy of their homes? No, again.

The question is not just: Does Feinstein, evidently a believer in a 'general' right to privacy, think, as a rigorous libertarian might, that such heroin use and prostitution should be permitted? Rather, the question is: Does she think the Constitution protects those activities as rights? If not, in what sense is the privacy right 'general'?"
But this part of the article had us laughing out loud:
"Remarkably, Feinstein was reading her statement. So her mare's nest of inapposite words and unclear thoughts cannot be excused as symptoms of Biden's Disease, that form of logorrhea that causes victims, such as Sen. Joe Biden, to become lost on the syntactical backroads of their extemporaneous rhetoric."

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