Thursday, March 31, 2005

Moonbat Zoology

What could bring out more zany characters than an anarchist bookfair? What about an anarchist bookfair in San Francisco? But wait, there's more: Ward Churchill is the featured speaker at the event. Zombie, an amateur zoologist specializing in moonbat behavior, has a full report, including pictures and video, at his site. (Hat tip: Ryne McClaren)

Be sure to scroll down the page about 1/4th of the way to the picture of the 3 naked guys, and read the caption. We've seen quite a few bizarre people and behaviors over the years, but this one is special.

While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of Zombie's site, which includes his chronicles of previous events in the area. If you just want more of the Churchill tour, this is the place.

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