Saturday, March 05, 2005

Two Arrests in Armanious Murders in NJ

A break in the case of the Coptic Christian family murdered in New Jersey:

Ex-Cons Accused of Brutally Murdering Family "The family of devout Coptic Christian Hossam Armanious was found stabbed in their home on January 14th, setting off religious tension between Muslims and Coptic Christians in the area.

But now it appears that this all came down to a couple of ex-cons--former drug dealers--who were greedy and desperate for money.

At this hour, two suspects in the case are being held on $10 million bail, and prosecutors say this case is being considered for the death penalty."
As it should be.

UPDATE: Robert Spencer has some "final" comments on the case at Jihad Watch.
UPDATE2 (3/6): Some background information on the history lived by Coptic Christians in Egypt from Hugh Fitzgerald.

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