Friday, March 11, 2005

Jerry Brown: Culture Crash

The former governor of California has recently joined the blogosphere. We find he has improved with age, like a fine wine, perhaps. He writes about a bizarre cultural phenomenon in a piece called Culture Crash:
"Louis Sahagun of the Los Angeles Times has written a fascinating piece on Oakland's sideshows. A sideshow, for the uninitiated, is a homegrown version of a demolition derby, except it takes place illegally on city streets - often under the influence of drugs and violence.

On any given Saturday night, the streets of East Oakland are clogged with automobiles blaring loud music and performing dangerous stunts while spectators party on the sidelines. People come from all over Northern California to take part.

Having witnessed these antics below my own bedroom window, I know the annoyance and danger firsthand, but the spectacle has its share of apologists. They believe government has failed to provide 'youth' with suitable evening amusement - thus the need for late night hijinks."

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